Home Page

Week Beginning 18th May

Week Beginning 18th May


Hello P2!


We hope that you have had fun finding lots of minibeasts this week!

If you like, you could take a photo of what you find and send it to Mr. Dickson ( for our Class Gallery page. Just remember to put the name of your teacher in the email title and check that no names or other personal information are visible in the picture. Also if there are any art, P.E. or other activities that you would like to show us, we'd love to see them. 

We are so enjoying seeing your photos. Well done to everyone for all your hard work at home!

This week there is a new folder for Play activities. You could set up a garden centre, make some playdough or try something creative. Have fun! Our sunflowers are growing really well. Take a look in the WAU folder to see how big they are. There is also an activity to try in the 'Kind to your Mind' folder. Lots to keep you busy!


Have a great week and we'll be in touch soon!

Missing you lots.

Mrs. Hutchison & Mrs. Hannam




