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Spring Art with David Hockney


David Hockney is a famous English artist. He lives in France. Over the last few weeks he has been painting the spring flowers and blossom in his garden. He did the pictures below on his iPad. 
If you have a garden, have a look to see if there are any spring flowers or blossom that you could draw. If you can’t see any at home, use Hockney’s pictures to give you ideas.

Other ideas to try

  • Draw the outline of a tree and colour in using brown. Use cotton buds (or your finger tips  dipped in paint) to put blossom on your tree. Use different shades of pink. 
  • Make a tree using a kitchen roll tube. Carefully cut down from the top to half-way down the tube. Repeat to make about 5 branches. Paint or colour the tree using brown. When the tree is dry, scrunch up tiny pieces of newspaper and stick onto the branches to make blossom. Paint the blossom using pink and white paint.

