Home Page

Week Beginning 8th June

Hello P2!


We hope that you have had a fun week and are ready to start some more activities from our Class Page. We are seeing super work on 'Seesaw'. Thank you so much for showing us the wonderful  activities that you have been doing. You are all being so busy at home!


Some of you had your own 'Home Sports Day' last week and have sent in fabulous photos of your events. If you haven't yet, you might like to try doing some sports this week. Hopefully it will be sunny over the next few days and you can get outside.


This week there are 2 new folders on our Class page. These have extra Literacy and Numeracy activities for you to try if you would like some more practice. Please continue to do the activities that are in the main Literacy and Numeracy folders first, though! 


We look forward to seeing more of your activities this week.

Keep safe everyone and have fun!

Mrs. Hutchison & Mrs. Hannam


