Home Page

Week Beginning 4th May

Hello P2!


Welcome to a new month on the P2 Home Learning Page!


We hope that you have been enjoying all the 'Spring' and 'In the Garden' activities over the last week. Mrs. Hutchison and Mrs. Hannam have been busy in their gardens; planting and weeding! The P2 sunflowers have just popped up through the soil. They are getting some water every day and are very happy sitting on their sunny window sill.


This week check out the new Spellings folder on the Home Learning page.  Remember to try to do some Literacy and  Maths every day. Have a go at an activity from each of the other subject folders during the week. There are lots of fun things to try. 


A big 'Happy Birthday' to anyone who has turned 6 in April or will have a birthday in May.


We miss you lots.

Take care and keep safe!

Mrs. Hutchison  and Mrs. Hannam
