School Uniform
School uniform is important as it promotes the ethos of The Armstrong Primary School and gives pupils a sense of identity with the school. We continue to make a significant effort to encourage the wearing of full school uniform as listed below every day. With everyone in uniform the school has a “smarter” appearance.
We would appreciate parents’ help in encouraging their children to wear full uniform.
Please note that yellow polo shirts may be used to change into for PE however they are not part of daily uniform.
Boys - Grey trousers, white shirt, Royal Blue pullover, school tie and badge.
Girls - Grey skirt, white blouse, Royal Blue cardigan/pullover, school tie and badge. Grey trousers may be worn. During the third term a blue gingham dress may be worn.
Black shoes should be worn.
The following items are available from the office:
Ties; Badges;
All other items are available at local stores.
Clothing should be clearly marked with the owner’s name. The same applies to sports equipment, lunch-boxes etc.
School fleeces are available to order from school. An order will be prepared in September and parents will be notified about this.
PE Equipment
Primary 3 to 7 classes should change for Physical Education.
Boys: Black plimsolls, plain shorts, yellow polo shirt
Girls: Black plimsolls, plain colour shorts or slip, yellow polo shirt
All items and equipment should be labelled with your child’s name.
Some older pupils find it difficult to purchase black plimsolls in larger shoe sizes. In those cases normal training shoes are permitted for P.E.
We discourage children from wearing multi-coloured T-shirts or football tops sponsoring all kinds of inappropriate items. We would ask parents for their co-operation.
Your child must have a note to be excused PE or swimming.
We would prefer that no pierced jewellery of any kind be worn in school. However, one pair of stud earrings will be allowed. Earrings must be removed for PE. Any child who has recently had their ears pierced must bring a note authorising them to participate in PE with earrings in. Otherwise they will have to miss the PE lesson.
The following items are available to purchase at our school office:
School pencils £0.25; Berol handwriting pens £0.25; Money envelopes £2.00