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Easter Holidays Wednesday 8th April - Friday 17th April

Easter Holidays: Wednesday 8th- Friday 17th April

It is our official school Easter holidays. Below we have created a list of several things you could be doing over Easter other than eating Easter eggs.


*Mr Dickson is tweeting photos of lots of pupils doing their work from home and other fun activities. If any pupils would like to appear on our school's twitter account a parent can email photos to Mr Dickson. Or if you want to view photos of others you can follow at:  (Twitter accounts should only be a parents' account and not an account for children to use. Pupils should view the School's Twitter account only under adult supervisor.)


*Competition: There is a sunflower growing competition in the 'Fun Activities' section for anyone who would like to enter and take part!


*Transfer: If you are completing transfer work you will have your Easter work to do according to the schedule we gave you. Remember it is very important that you go over all mistakes and correct them.



1) Keep reading books and doing online quizzes on Accelerated Reader (Login Details on the P6 Home page)

2) If you are running out of books you could download some ebooks. You could do this on an app like Amazon Kindle or Overdrive. Overdrive is the Northern Ireland Library Service app where you can rent ebooks for free.

3) If you're tired of reading why not try an audio book? Amazon Audible are making a lot of audio books free at the moment. There is a wide selection of books including one of Mr Forbes' favourites. Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling.

4) You could write and illustrate your own story. Keep these safe to show us when we all get back to school.

5) Now is also a good time to revise and practise difficult spellings or facts from throughout the year to see what you remember.



1) Lots of real life practical maths: Measuring items around the house and garden, keep a tally of different birds in the garden, weighing ingredients for baking, etc.

2) Keep on top of the Daily Numeracy exercises. There are some for every day.

3) Practise your multiplication and division tables. Also multiplication and division sums

4) We gave you lots of different mental maths activities before we left. The 30/36 Mental Maths question sheets and the timed Mental Maths questions.

5) You could login to Education City and play some of the maths games there. Login details will be in your homework diary.


*Fun Activities:

1) Create your own obstacle course in the garden

2) Play different sports and practise skills for them. Football, tennis, hockey, etc. Why not create a target on a wall (far away from a window) and try to hit it with the ball from different distances and angles.

3) Bake something. Buns, banana bread, cakes, etc

4) Help in the garden. Maybe plant seeds such as vegetables or sunflowers. If you plant a sunflower you could keep a line graph of how high it grows every week.


***For all those who plant sunflowers Mr Forbes will be running a competition! Whoever grows the tallest sunflower will win a prize. You will need a picture of yourself beside it and the height of the sunflower! Mr Forbes will be growing his own sunflower and there will be prizes for all those who grow a sunflower bigger than his. Make sure you take pictures to show in order to enter! ***


5) Hard boil an egg and then decorate. You could have an egg and spoon race or roll them down a hill.

6) Easter art: Easter egg designs, draw some flowers, etc

7) Select a topic that interests you and create a PowerPoint presentation on it. This may be on a football club, a famous artist, an author, etc


We hope you have a great Easter holiday.


Normal Literacy, Numeracy and W.A.U. work will be posted again from Monday 20th April.


