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April in A1

A1 display of our Art work for our Farm topic

Our Topic this term is On the Farm

A peek in A1 during play

What's the Time Mr Wolf?

Still image for this video
We are learning about Time and we played a game using the clock and counting steps.
It was lots of fun!

Creepy Cookies

Colour sorting activity

Leaf Art work by P2, P3 and P4 children in A1

P3/4 ICT - exploring maths games

Maths Week


This week in maths week we have been extra busy in A1.

We went to the woodland and did a Scavenger hunt. We collected items from a list and put them in a bucket.

We sorted these items, counted them and made different numbers using the natural items.

Take a look!


 Welcome back to all our A1 class.


Mrs Mackin-Jackson, Mrs Rodgers and Miss Sloane are the A1 staff.
