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October Literacy and Numeracy

We are learning about non fiction information texts and how to present information in a variety of ways. We made notes on a passage about plant and soil life and then turned them into a flow diagram! We also scanned a passage about Ants and made notes in the form of a spider diagram and true / false statements! We read a passage and watched a video clip on a Panda and then chosen three different ways to present the information we had learnt e.g. diagram, bullet point list, table.

We have been learning about non fiction information texts and different ways to present information. We took a passage on an animal like a hedgehog or a squirrel and identified the important information. They we chose 2, 3 or 4 different ways to present the information on an A3 poster!

Numeracy - times tables and doubles work for mental maths skills!

Linguistic Phonics Activities

WALT: add two and three digit numbers bridging the tens and hundreds

Numeracy - WALT: add doubles of multiples of 50 / 100
