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Monday 20th April - Friday 24th April

Hi P6,

We hope everyone has enjoyed their Easter and haven't eaten too many Easter Eggs or fun treats they have been baking. The weather has been great so hopefully everyone was outside in their garden lots enjoying it.


As well as preparing lots of work for you our P6 staff have been keeping busy gardening, baking, reading and exercising. Some have been going for daily walks while some have been running.


Please read all the notes below for things we want to highlight and to think about this week.


1) You will find your Literacy and Numeracy attached as Word documents in the links above this text. We are compiling it as one document so if you are printing it is easy to print all in one go.


2) Transfer: For those who opted into transfer make sure you are sticking to the timetable we provided. Don't be falling behind or working ahead of schedule. Remember it is important to stick to a 60min time cap for each test and to go over all your mistakes.


3) Spellings were all stuck in before school broke up. Please complete the next week.


4) On the P6 Homescreen we have added a new WAU task: Japan. Please read info there for the project.


5) On the P6 Homescreen we have added ICT information for Coding activities, for both the computer and iPad.


6) In the Additional Resources (bottom of class pages tab on website), we have added in several PE suggestions which you could do.


7) It is really important that we keep reading books or even from time to time listening to Audio Books. The Accelerated Reader link is on P6 Homepage. It is fantastic to see the scores and word counts adding up. We want to give a special mention to the following pupils:

i) Rebecca McM who has read over 1 million words!

ii) Ben B who has read over 1 million words!

iii) Sophie S who has read over 2 million words!

iv) Lucy E who has read over 3 million words!

Well done to these pupils and for everyone else who has continued to add to their word count. We will be updating this each week.


8) Remember Mr Dickson is posting lots of pictures on twitter and if you want to appear on it have an adult tweet / email a picture to him.


9) Finally, BBC bitesize have designed a fantastic resource which will be updated daily. It has a variety of activities, explanation videos and facts covering a wide ranges of subjects. Definitely worth checking out!


Hopefully everything above is clear.

Lots to be getting on with.

Keep safe and keep working hard!
